Coronavirus - Advice & Support

Understandably, our nurses and clients are concerned over having to self-isolate, falling ill to COVID-19 or having to take time off to look after friends and family who may be ill.

To reduce your risk, please follow the guidelines as laid out by the UK government.

Below are some FAQs and information to let you know what help is available:

Statutory Sick Pay (SSP) to Be Paid from Day One of Isolation

The Government has introduced emergency legislation to allow workers in full-time employment to seek SSP from the first day of their self-isolation and cannot work as a direct result of COVID-19.

SSP Legislation

Proof of Sickness / Isolation Note

If you have COVID-19, or have been advised to stay at home, you can get an 'isolation note' by visiting NHS 111 online, rather than visiting a doctor.
For COVID-19 cases this replaces the usual need to provide a 'fit note' after 7 days of absence due to sickness.

Employment and Support Allowance

If you are not eligible to receive sick pay, including those that may be earning less than an average of £118 per week, i.e. Self employed people, those working in the gig economy, are able to claim the following: Universal Credit and/or contributory Employment and Support Allowance.

Government Advice

Will I still be paid on time?

Yes. We are running our usual payroll service.

Struggling with Mortgage Repayments

The government announced that individuals who have been financially affected by COVID-19 can apply to their mortgage lender for a mortgage holiday.

Coronavirus & Mortgage Payment Holidays

Help to Buy Homeowners Affected by COVID-19

The Government has announced homeowners that are struggling to pay interest fees on their Help to Buy equity loans will be offered payment holidays, among other benefits to ease financial pressure.

Government Press Release

Protection for Renters - Ban on Evictions and Additional Protection

Emergency legislation has been introduced to suspend new evictions from private or social rented accommodation. This has been extended to Landlords who will also be protected for the 3 month mortgage payment holiday.

Government Press Release

To find out further information or if there are other options available to you, please visit the government website.

Additional Support and Advice

Professional and student health workers can visit Health for Health Professionals Wales to seek support and additional advice.